Comptoir 21: One of the best Fish n Chips in Montreal

Comptoir 21 has 5 locations in town and is ranked among the best Fish n Chips in Montreal according to Google reviews.

Comptoir 21 – Homemade Fries

To celebrate winter season warmly and to invite people to go out to eat, Comptoir 21 has a very special promotion for you! Every day until March 21, the temperature felt at 11 am and at 5 pm represents the percentage of reduction on food. Yes, you read it right! If the temperature ” feels like ( according to MeteoMedia)” – 15C, prices will be reduced by 15%.

And guess what? Comptoir 21 is vegetarian friendly and offers a homemade veggie burger on the menu. I went to St-Viateur location (because Mile-End is one of my favorite area in town) to taste it and it was worth it!

Comptoir 21 – Veggie Burger

This burger contains no animal product so you can also bring your vegan friend with you there!

Visit Comptoir 21 Facebook page to know the daily discount 🙂