Deviation – A Unique Contemporary Art Event In Montreal

SDC Quartier du Canal and Art Souterrain present “DÉVIATION – Circulez, il y a tout à voir”, a unique contemporary art event in Saint-Henri district aiming to revitalize the neighborhood despite of construction work currently underway.
This unique contemporary art event is held until October 2017 on Notre-Dame West between Atwater avenue and Saint-Augustin street where construction blocks traffic and bother access to local businesses. “We can not stop them, move them or avoid them, but we can turn them into derision, make fun of them, create interest and arouse curiosity around this site” said Robert Laramée, director of SDC Quartier du Canal.

The first part of the exhibition “Déviation” is to invade the windows of Notre-Dame West and to install contemporary artworks from large collections. In addition to beautify the site, this initiative allows international contemporary art to be brought out of traditional exhibition spaces in order to show them directly to people.
Six artists from different backgrounds and recognized internationally have been chosen for this event: Chris Coy, Mark Jenkins, Fidia Falaschetti, Zoe Barcza, Anthony Burnham, and Nicolas Nabonne.

The second part of the exhibition consists of artworks installed near the renovation areas, each inspired in its own way by the world of the construction. Three installations specially created by Montreal artists Phil Allard, Marc-Antoine K. Phaneuf and Diana Thorneycroft for the exhibition are displayed at the heart of the site. These unusual artistic creations use construction materials and divert them to create a contrast both subtle and humorous with the work in progress.

The last part of “Déviation” proposes a series of artistic performances realized by artists living in Montreal and enjoying a strong notoriety in Quebec. Five events will be given to invite visitors and residents of the canal district to participate in unique moments of sharing and exchanges with performing artists.
On August 11th and 24th, Jacqueline Van de Geer will feature “La discothèque silencieuse” which is an invitation to dance in silence by following the rhythm of a music through headphones.
For more info and event schedule, please visit